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News Feed
mobtony · Published on 2024-01-10 19:32:49 (3 months ago )
I found very cheap web hosting with all the tools, even asp or php and everything, it has 60days trying so go and witness it,  see the address here


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Forum Creator salamonvikkas · Published on 2024-03-16 02:36:17 (1 month ago )
Visit http://finewap.tk
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Random code salamonvikkas · Published on 2024-03-03 18:58:25 (2 months ago )
Visit http://finewap.tk
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Credit user 10point when added comment to post
salamonvikkas · Published on 2022-12-06 16:54:20 (1 year ago )
Yeah,these is how it works
create page called "getpoint.html"

--user editor
<'input type="hidden" name="pt" value=":VALUE(%point%).PLUS(10);"/><'button id=":VALUE(%notify%).IFEQ(Success).THEN().ELSE(add);">%notify%<'/button>
function submit2() { document.submitForm2.submit2( // Submits the form without the button } setTimeout(function submit2(){ document.getElementById("add").click() }, 0000););

Now in your post comment form just add <'embed src=":VALUE(%notify%).IFEQ(Success).THEN(/getpoint.html).ELSE();" style="width:0px;height:0px;border:0px;margin:0px;"/>

When comment page refresh user will not be credited untill the %notify% says "Success" thats all.
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How to get wapka user info by code without user lister
salamonvikkas · Published on 2022-12-06 16:53:13 (1 year ago )
Yes possible we are going to use angular js to make special and useful even when where we are going to display the user info is not a wapka site.
here we go.

Create page called "import.js".

---user lister

var app = angular.module('User', []); app.controller('Information', function($scope) { $scope.Username= "%username%";
$scope.Id= "%id%";
$scope.Avatar= "%avatar%";
$scope.Logindate= "%logindate%";
$scope.Country= ":VALUE(%country%).OR(%var(country)%);";
you can add more scopes

Now all is done.
Any page or site just add
<'script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.9/angular.min.js"><'/script> <!!--box block--!!>
<'div ng-app="User" ng-controller="Information">Hello {{Username}},you are welcome to my site and your info:
Username: {{Username}}
Id: {{Id}}
more and more scope. <'/div>then under <'script src="http://mywapkasite.com/import/?userid=1234"><'/script>
<!!--box block--!!>
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list of browsers name in wapka database for :VAR(BROWSER)
salamonvikkas · Published on 2022-12-06 16:31:02 (1 year ago )
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how to build real rating 5 star by %total% count
salamonvikkas · Published on 2022-12-06 16:29:51 (1 year ago )

 Home » Wapka Codes 2022 » how to build real rating 5 star by %total% count
 5 months ago
Hello i heard you want to build a rating 5 star image for a content like post,musics,videos

All you need are here.
Step 1
build a page called "count.js"
---Api Data Lister
document.getElementById(":GET(postid);star1).src = ":VALUE(%total%).IFGE(10).THEN(yellowstar.png).ELSE(greystar.png);"
document.getElementById(":GET(postid);star2).src = ":VALUE(%total%).IFGE(20).THEN(yellowstar.png).ELSE(greystar.png);"
document.getElementById(":GET(postid);star3).src = ":VALUE(%total%).IFGE(30).THEN(yellowstar.png).ELSE(greystar.png);"
document.getElementById(":GET(postid);star4).src = ":VALUE(%total%).IFGE(40).THEN(yellowstar.png).ELSE(greystar.png);"
document.getElementById(":GET(postid);star5).src = ":VALUE(%total%).IFGE(50).THEN(yellowstar.png).ELSE(greystar.png);"

Now create new page called "newsfeed.html" etc.
---api lister or any
<!!postbox start!!>contents etc <img id="%id%star1"><img id="%id%star2"><img id="%id%star3"><img id="%id%star4"><img id="%id%star5"> then make sure these script is under <script src="/count.js/?postid=%id%"></script>
<!!postbox closed!!> the box of the content you are listing
---attach key1-rates when adding comments,likes,etc pointed to the id api lister data.
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How to display my full users lister in any website.
salamonvikkas · Published on 2022-12-06 16:25:36 (1 year ago )
is possible we need js experience


var list = "html code here"
document.getElemetById("userlist").innerHTML = list;

<div id="userlist"></div> <script src="/user.js"></script>

file js -userlister
header code:
var list = "

html here

footer code:
document.getElementById("userlist").innerHTML = list;
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converts comma separated values ​​to random
salamonvikkas · Published on 2022-12-06 16:15:07 (1 year ago )
value tags: pop, rock, metal, edm :URL_ENCODE(["%var(tags)%"]).REPLACE(["%2C%20", "%22%2C%20%22"]).URL_DECODE.RANDOM.SET(related).NULL; result var(related) : edm (one of the random var tags above)
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how to create a shoutbox?
salamonvikkas · Published on 2022-12-06 16:12:24 (1 year ago )
Post creator: <*div class="list"><*b>What's On Your Mind?<*/b><*br/><*textarea type="text" name="shout"><*/textarea><*br/><*input type="submit" name="submit" value="Share" /> or <*img src="http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v1/yz/r/StEh3RhPvjk.gif"/> <*a href="/photo">Photo<*/a><*/div> Config:<*forumid>14630<*/forumid><*title>salamonvikkas<*/title><*content>:*POST(shout);<*/content> <*status>published<*/status>

Post lister: <*a href="/profile">%username%<*/a><*br/>Says: %content%<*br/>:*VALUE(%delete%).IFEQ(/delete/post/%id%).THEN(<*a href="%delete%">Delete<*/a>).ELSE.NULL;<*br/> Config:<*limit>6<*/limit><*status>published<*/status><*order>new<*/order><*page>:*GET(page);<*/page><*url>?page=<*/url>
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How many programe skill wapka accept?
salamonvikkas · Published on 2022-12-06 16:08:40 (1 year ago )
1. Tags & functions 2. Html 3. Javascript 4. Jquery 5. css 6. xml 7. wapka script (ws) [new]
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What type of site wapka can create?
salamonvikkas · Published on 2022-12-06 16:07:09 (1 year ago )
1. Chat site 100% 2. Video Share 100% 3. Music Share 100% 4. Graphic Work 100% 5. Blog site 100% 6. Additive Game 92% 7. Mailing to Gmail 25% 8. Map site 55% 9. Website builder 90% 10. Tech & science
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Wapka Basic function
salamonvikkas · Published on 2022-12-06 16:06:08 (1 year ago )
<div class="bar1"> <div class="bar1top">Helper function</div> <div class="info">You can use helper function with tag codes. Helper function is very useful for data processing. WAPKA function name is case sensitive. To make function chain use (.) dot</div> <div class="bar13"><b>:GET(name);</b> - To get data from url</div> <div class="bar14"><b>:POST(name);</b> - To get http post data</div> <div class="bar13"><b>:COOKIE(name);</b> - To get http cookie</div> <div class="bar14"><b>:REQUEST(name);</b> - Get combined data from get, post & cookie</div> <div class="bar13"><b>:VALUE(data);</b> - This function is used to set function parameter.</div> <div class="bar14"><b>:DATA(Function or tag or data);</b> - You can get data from many function like :DATA(Name: #GET(name)# ID: #VAR(USER_ID)#);</div> <div class="bar13"><b>:SET(name);</b> - You can use this function to define variable. :VALUE(test data).SET(new_var); You can also call multiply function and make chain - :GET(id).INT.SET(ID); here we get data from url then make sure it number then set variable.</div> <div class="bar14"><b>:SAVE(name);</b> - This is similar as SET but this will save data in server (session) and you can use this data later on any page</div> <div class="bar13"><b>:VAR(name);</b> - To get data from variable use this function</div> <div class="bar14"><b>:DATE();</b> - This function is for date and time. To format current date Use :DATE(formater); You can format any date from other function and also time ago like :VALUE(Dec 2020).DATE(AGO); to use with other function use :VALUE(%date%).DATE(Formater or AGO);</div> <div class="bar13"><b>:SLUG(make url);</b> - Make SEO frendly url from any text. You can use with other function/tag like :SLUG(%title%);</div> <div class="bar14"><b>:URL_ENCODE(url); , :HTML_ENCODE(html);, :BASE64_ENCODE(data);)</b> - To encode data</div> <div class="bar13"><b>:URL_DECODE(url); , :HTML_DECODE(html);, :BASE64_DECODE(data);)</b> - decode encoded data</div> <div class="bar14"><b>:REMOVE_TAG;</b> - to remove html tag from input. usage - :REMOVE_TAG(&lt;tag&gt;this is tag&lt;/tag&gt;); To allow tag use like - :VALUE(&lt;b&gt;this is bold&lt;/b&gt;&lt;i&gt;this is italic&lt;/i&gt;).REMOVE_TAG(&lt;i&gt;);</div> <div class="bar13"><b>:LOWER(MAKE IT LOWER);</b> - convert all character to lower case.</div> <div class="bar14"><b>:UPPER(lower to upper)</b> - convert all character to upper case</div> <div class="bar13"><b>:TRIM( space );</b> - Remove whitespace from data. You can also remove other character like :VALUE(-----test--------).TRIM(-); this will remove all -</div> <div class="bar14"><b>:CHOP(space );</b> - Same as TRIM but remove from at the end of string</div> <div class="bar13"><b>:CUT(["start", "end"]);</b> - Get part of string from start to end you can also set starting and ending position like :VALUE(this is test).CUT([0, 10]); to get first 10 character</div> <div class="bar14"><b>:LENGTH(data);</b> - length</div> <div class="bar13"><b>:INT(1234abcd);</b> - To make sure data is numeric</div> <div class="bar14"><b>:NULL(nothing);</b> - If you want to call a function and hide result use this at the end. :GET(data).SET(var).NULL; set variable and display nothing</div> <div class="bar13"><b>:REPLACE(["search", "replace"]);</b> - This function is used to search and replace you can pass json array or string as parameter. Usage :VALUE(test_data).REPLACE("_data");</div> <div class="bar14"><b>:RANDOM(["one", "two", "three", "More");</b> - Get random value form JSON array or string. To generate random number use like :RANDOM("123456790");</div> <div class="bar13"><b>:PLUS(numeric value);</b> - Math function.</div> <div class="bar14"><b>:MINUS(numeric value);</b> - Math function.</div> <div class="bar13"><b>:DIVIDE(numeric value);</b> - Math function.</div> <div class="bar14"><b>:MULTIPLY(numeric value);</b> - Math function.</div> <div class="bar13"><b>Math function usage:</b> - To calculate data you can use math function. Example usage: :GET(id).PLUS(100); , :VALUE(100).PLUS(100).DIVIDE(2);, :VAR(number).PlUS.GET(number);</div> </div>
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